Monday, May 2, 2011

Friend Week!

Were your ears ringing on Saturday?
 Because I was talking about all of you!
My son made his First Holy Communion on Saturday and at his party my family and I were talking about
"my blog friends"
They were sort of mocking my loyalty and blog love
but you see they don't have a blog so they have no idea!
Which is what I told them.........
They still made fun of me

I realize that I do talk about my "blog friends" an awful lot
but you are all such a great bunch of people with interesting and funny things to say

Then I had an Awesome idea

I decided to make this week Friend Week here at Serendipity's Library
All week I will talk about friendship..... in movies, books and in life
In each post I will feature a "blog friend" and explain why I read their blog posts everyday.
So to start off blog week I would like to talk about

Muriel is a French Mom living with her family in London.
I find her to be smart, funny and very interesting. She does posts on parenting as well as posts on life as a French woman learning to understand the culture of Britain. Recently she has discovered some old newspapers in her home which she has been sharing with us. I go to 40 blogspot everyday to read about Muriel's life in London because I enjoy the honesty in  the way she's like catching up with a friend. I love reading about the culture of both France and Britain.....of course now I think I am an expert much to the chagrin of my co-workers and family.
I think you will find 40 blogpost to be a must read for its aunthentic look at life, children and family.
In my circle of friends and family Muriel is referred to as my French blog friend as in....
"I read your French blog friends blog today"
So go check her out over at 40blogspot.... you can thank me later

One last thing I try to keep this blog light...there is enough anger and hatred in the world
but I would like to say to all of the families of those killed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11
 I sincerely hope bin laden's death has given each of you some sort of closure.
God bless you and God bless America.

Have a Magical Monday


Deborah Lawrenson said...

I really enjoy Muriel's blog too, for all the same reasons as you. And when you think she is writing in her second language - well, C'est magnifique!

Andrew Leon said...

Hey! That's a great idea! Kudos to you! :)

Samantha Sotto said...

I love Muriel too! I'm so happy to have discovered such great blogging friends in you guys. :)

(And congrats on your son's First Communion! I cried when my son had his last year. Yup, I'm that kind of mom. LOL)

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